Lifestyle, Travel

Seasonal Allergies Affect Your Life

Seasonal Allergies Affect Your Life

Seasonal Allergies Affect Your Life

Seasonal Allergies Affect Your Life

I am allergic to Texas, that’s right, the whole big state of Texas is affecting my daily life. An allergist told me this one time. Do seasonal allergies affect your life?

Seasonal Allergies Affect Your Life

Going Outdoors Use to Be Bad

Going outdoors is a way of life for me. I have always been an outdoors person. Lately I found myself planning my days by what the allergy count was. Now, I don’t have to be afraid of those high allergy counts. Thanks to the amazing allergy products by Similasan,

Seasonal Allergies Affect Your Life

Using The Right Product For The Right Problem

Traveling all over the country like I do, means I am going to run into seasonal allergies wherever I go. I always travel with a an allergy kit. This Similasan travel kit is perfect for any road trip. A few facts about the Similasan products:

  • Natural Active Ingredients
  • Helps temporarily relieve the symptoms of…
  • Stimulates the body’s natural defenses

Seasonal Allergies Affect Your Life

Road Trip Ready

The preservative-free Similasan allergy eye relief drops are perfect for the road. I can put a couple of them in my purse for when I need them. When I’m in different parts of the country, they help clear my eyes of the affects from seasonal allergies. I can just pull over, break one open, and I am ready to hit the road again.

Seasonal Allergies Affect Your Life

Daily Allergy Relief

As a daily sinus and allergy regimen, I use the allergy and sinus relief tabs along with the nasal allergy relief. Together, they are a perfect fit to combat those seasonal allergies.

Allergy Season Survival Tips From Similasan®

  1. Wear a hat and sunglasses outdoors to help protect your eyes from allergens.
  2. Keep windows closed and use central air conditioning with air filtration. It will help to minimize the allergens inside your home and vehicle.
  3. Remove shoes and change clothes after wearing them outdoors. It will help prevent the spread of allergens.
  4. Taking a shower before bed will help prevent allergens from entering your bedroom.
  5. Try products with natural active ingredients to help temporarily relieve your allergy symptoms.

Seasonal Allergies Affect Your Life

Where It All Started

Similasan AG in Jonen, Switzerland was founded by Swiss druggist Armin Spaeni. Check out the Similasan Website for More Information.

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